How we helped 1 million+ Anganwadi Workers reduce malnutrition & infant mortality through a digital initiative


Indian children suffer from malnutrition which can be corrected through proper growth
monitoring, timely intervention, and proper nutrition. A frontline force numbering 1.4
million+ Anganwadi Workers are tasked with ensuring a reduction in maternal mortality and
improvement in child health, under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).
Our scope of work included building a Mobile App Platform for offline learning. Learning
Management System & Dashboards for tracking progress, developing mobile and eLearning
content, action learning tools, formative and summative assessments to measure outcomes
on the ground and peer to peer learning interactions. The assignment includes consulting
with the Multi-Lateral Agency and GoI team to build a robust, sustainable, digital capacity
building model.

The Situation:

The Multi-Lateral Agency is supporting the Government of India in the implementation of
the ‘ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project’ (ISSNIP), through IDA
financing of US$ 86 million in eight low-income states of India, namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of this assignment is to support the Ministry in
capacity building of the last mile functionary – the Anganwadi Workers (AWW), across
India. Structured learning had to be delivered to ensure that the AWW deliver services
required to meet the goals of the ministry. Towards this, eLearning & mLearning modules
on maternal and child nutrition & growth monitoring had to be developed and delivered on
a web-based and mobile application-based platform. Modular certification tests and action
learning tasks associated with each of the 22 eLearning modules were to be developed
and hosted on the platform. The eLearning modules were expected to complement and
strengthen the incremental capacity-building approach being implemented under ISSNIP for
improved knowledge, skills, convergence, and motivation of ICDS field functionaries.

The Solution:

We developed two types of learning modules on the same content at the Knowledge and
Skill level. Following are the components of the learning solution:
• Training Needs Analysis, that resulted in developing a learning model over three learning
levels – Know, Understand, and Apply.
• Mobile Nuggets: 3-4-minute video-based nuggets for the learners to access from
their smartphone; 4 nuggets developed for each of the 22 ILA Modules based on
scientifically- designed learning outcomes in 14 Indian Languages.
• Web-Based Learning Modules: 20-25 min duration of interactive content was
designed and developed for better engagement with the learners, for those who have
access to a Desktop / Tab / Laptop. Visually-enhanced scenarios, examples with Do’s
and Don’ts, and simple problem-solving approaches were used to connect with learning
who are high-action and low-cognition learners. Modules were developed in 14 Indian
• Formative and Summative Assessments were deployed at the end of each module to
measure, score, and provide feedback so that the learners can be self-assured.
• Mobile App: An offline android-based mobile app was developed where the mobile
nuggets were pre-packaged and pre-installed on the smartphones issued to the AWW.
Basic Learner registration to access the learning nuggets, tracking learner behavior, and
sync of the data when connected to the internet via WiFi was enabled.
• Learning Management System & Dashboards: An open-source software-based
Learning Management System was customized and developed in Hindi & English for
course, learner, assessment management with role-based dashboards.
• Solution was hosted on NIC Servers provided by the Government.

The Impact:

1.3 million+ AWW have registered for the course and over 800,000 certified, which would
result in positive nutritional and growth outcomes for over 16 million children in the 0-6
years age group.